Control Transformer

This control transformer has been widely used for providing internal control power from mains of 600V, 480V, and 400V.

Part & Supplier Information

WTC Part Number: 303-1761V1
WTC Part Name: XFMR-CONT,.250KVA/.050KVA, 3=600/480/400, 2=120VAC@.250KVA/24VAC@.050KVA, 50/60 Hz

Supplier/ Vendor Name: Dongan Electric Mfg. Co.
Supplier/Vendor Part #: DT-0300-3203

Key Features

  Comes with mounting bracket
  Fuseblock provided
  Includes electrostatic shield

control power transformer

Specifications & Documents


Datasheet & Drawing
UL Certification
CUL Certification

Welding Technology Corp has a large quantity of these components. Please reach out to our customer service group if you are interested in acquiring. You may reach out to us by Formmail link below or call us at +1 (248) 477-3900 ext 3333.

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